Decision Trees in Q: From Stump to Forest
- Example
- History
- Algorithm
- Data Structure
- Extensions
- Visualization
- Summary
Canonical Example (data)
- To play or not to play?
q)\l funq.q
q)show t:`Play xcols (" SSSSS";1#",") 0: `:weather.csv
Play Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind
No Sunny Hot High Weak
No Sunny Hot High Strong
Yes Overcast Hot High Weak
Yes Rain Mild High Weak
Yes Rain Cool Normal Weak
No Rain Cool Normal Strong
Yes Overcast Cool Normal Strong
No Sunny Mild High Weak
Yes Sunny Cool Normal Weak
Yes Rain Mild Normal Weak
Yes Sunny Mild Normal Strong
Yes Overcast Mild High Strong
Yes Overcast Hot Normal Weak
No Rain Mild High Strong
Canonical Example (tree)
A Brief History of Decision Trees
- Automatic Interaction Detection (AID) 1963
- THeta Automatic Interaction Detection (THAID) 1972
- CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) 1980
- Classification And Regression Trees (CART) 1984
- Iterative Dichotomizer 3 (ID3) 1986
- C4.5 (Ross Quinlan) 1993
- Bootstrap AGgregating (BAG) 1996
- ADAptive BOOSTing (ADABOOST) 1997
- Random Forest 2001
- C5.0 (GPL version available) 2011
- Classification vs Regression
- Ordered vs Categorical data
- Splitting Criteria (Entropy/Gini/SSE)
- Pre/Post Pruning
- Null Values: Training and Classification/Regression
/ given a (t)able of classifiers and labels where the first column is
/ target attribute create a decision tree using the (c)ategorical
/ (g)ain (f)unction and (o)rdered (g)ain (f)unction. the (s)plit
/ (f)unction decides what statistic to minimize. pruning subtrees
/ with (m)inimum number of (l)eaves, and (m)ax (d)epth
if[(::)~w;w:n#1f%n:count t]; / handle unassigned weight
if[1=count d:flip t;:(w;first d)]; / no features to test
if[not md;:(w;first d)]; / don't split deeper than max depth
if[not ml<count a:first d;:(w;a)]; / don't split unless >min leaves
if[all 1_(=':) a;:(w;a)]; / all values are equal
d:(0N?key d)#d:1 _d; / randomize feature order
g:{[cgf;ogf;sf;w;x;y] $[isord y;ogf;cgf][sf;w;x;y]}[cgf;ogf;sf;w;a] peach d;
if[all 0>=gr:first each g;:(w;a)]; / stop if no gain
g:last b:1_ g ba:imax gr; / best attribute
/ distribute nulls down each branch with reduced weight
if[(c:count k)>ni:null[k:key g]?1b;w:@[w;n:g nk:k ni;%;c-1];g:(nk _g),\:n];
if[null b 0;t:(1#ba)_t]; / don't reuse categorical classifiers
b[1]:.z.s[cgf;ogf;sf;ml;md-1]'[w g;t g]; / classify subtree
Splitting Criteria
- Different distributions of binary data
- Which row has the most information?
- Which row should a decision tree leaf look like?
q)show x:(0N?where@) each flip (reverse x;x:til 11)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Entropy (Information Gain)
- measure of information (lack of uncertainty)
\({-\sum p(x) \log_2 p(x)}\)
/ weighted odds
q).ml.odds:{[g]g%sum g:count each g}
q).ml.entropy:{neg sum x*2 xlog x:odds group x}
q).util.plot[19;10;" *"] .ml.entropy each x
1 | " * * * "
0.8888889| " * * "
0.7777778| " * * "
0.6666667| " "
0.5555556| " "
0.4444444| " * * "
0.3333333| " "
0.2222222| " "
0.1111111| " "
0 | "* *"
Gini Impurity
- measure of misclassification
\({1-\sum p(x)p(x)}\)
q).ml.odds:{[g]g%sum g:count each g}
q).ml.gini:{1f-sum x*x:odds group x}
q).util.plot[19;10;" *"] .ml.gini each x
0.5 | " * * * "
0.4444444 | " * * "
0.3888889 | " "
0.3333333 | " * * "
0.2777778 | " "
0.2222222 | " "
0.1666667 | " * * "
0.1111111 | " "
0.05555556| " "
0 | "* *"
SSE (Sum of Squared Errors)
- measure of deviation
\({\sum (x-\mu)^2}\)
q).ml.sse:{sum x*x-:avg x}
q).util.plot[19;10;" *"] .ml.sse each x
0.25 | " * * * "
0.2222222 | " * * "
0.1944444 | " "
0.1666667 | " * * "
0.1388889 | " "
0.1111111 | " "
0.08333333| " * * "
0.05555556| " "
0.02777778| " "
0 | "* *"
- Pre-Pruning (function parameters)
- Maximum Tree Depth
- Minimum Leaf Population
- Post-Pruning (algorithms)
- Cross Validation
- Pessimistic Error
Gain Functions
/ using a (s)plit (f)unction to compute the information gain
/ (optionally (n)ormalized by splitinfo) of x and y
g:sf[w] x;
g-:sum wodds[w;gy]*(not null key gy)*w[gy] sf' x gy:group y;
if[n;g%:sf[w] y]; / gain ratio
/ set gain
g:(gain[0b;sf;w;x] y in) peach u:cmb[0N] distinct y;
g@:i:imax g[;0]; / highest gain
g[1]:in[;u i]; / split function
/ improved use of ordered attributes in c4.5 (quinlan) MDL
g:(gain[0b;sf;w;x] y <) peach u:desc distinct y;
g@:i:imax g[;0]; / highest gain (not gain ratio)
g[1]:<[;avg u i+0 1]; / split function
if[mdl;g[0]-:xlog[2;-1+count u]%count x];
if[n;g[0]%:sf[w] ugrp g 2]; / convert to gain ratio
Decision Trees
/ given a (t)able of classifiers and labels where the first column is
/ target attribute, create a decision tree
aid:dt[sgain;ogain[0b;0b];wsse] / automatic interaction detection
id3:dt[gain[0b];gain[0b];wentropy;1;0W;::] / iterative dichotomizer 3
q45:dt[gain[1b];ogain[1b;1b];wentropy] / like c4.5 (but does not post-prune)
ct:dt[gain[0b];ogain[0b;1b];wgini] / classification tree
rt:dt[gain[0b];ogain[0b;0b];wsse] / regression tree
Tree Data Structure
q) .ml.id3 t
`Sunny`Overcast`Rain!((`Humidity;::;`High`Normal!((0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07..
q)last .ml.id3 t
Sunny | (`Humidity;::;`High`Normal!((0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07142857;`No`N..
Overcast| (0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07142857;`Yes`Yes`Yes`Yes)
Rain | (`Wind;::;`Weak`Strong!((0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07142857;`Yes`Yes`..
- Ensemble of Weak Learners (ie: Decision Stump)
- Serially Adapts Observation Weights
/ (t)rain (f)unction, (c)lassifier (f)unction, (t)able,
/ (alpha;model;weights)
w:last amw;
m:tf[w] t; / train model
yh:cf[m] each t; / predict
e:sum w*not yh=y:first flip t; / weighted error
a:.5*log (1f-e)%e; / alpha
w*:exp neg a*y*yh; / up/down weight
w%:sum w; / scale
q)t:update -1 1 `Yes=Play from t
q)r:1_ 20 .ml.adaboost[.ml.stump;.ml.dtc;t]\(0w;();n#1f%n:count t)
q)avg t.Play=signum sum r[;0] * signum r[;1] .ml.dtc/:\: t
Random Forest
- Ensemble of Decision Trees
- Randomly Samples Observations and Features
- Handles Large Training Sets
/ Bootstrap AGgregating
bag:{[b;f;t](f ?[;t]@) peach b#count t}
/ Random FOrest
rfo:{[b;p;f;t]bag[b;(f{0!(x?1_cols y)#/:1!y}[p]@);t]}
q)[10;floor sqrt count cols iris;.ml.q45[2;0W;::]] iris
q)avg each m .ml.dtc\:/: iris
Visualization (console)
q)\l iris.q
species slength swidth plength pwidth
Iris-versicolor 6.1 2.8 4 1.3
Iris-versicolor 6.1 2.9 4.7 1.4
Iris-virginica 5.7 2.5 5 2
Iris-virginica 7.7 2.8 6.7 2
Iris-setosa 5 3.3 1.4 0.2
Iris-setosa 5.3 3.7 1.5 0.2
Iris-versicolor 6 3.4 4.5 1.6
Iris-virginica 6.4 3.1 5.5 1.8
Iris-versicolor 5.7 2.8 4.5 1.3
Iris-versicolor 6.8 2.8 4.8 1.4
q)-1 .ml.ptree[0] .ml.q45[2;3;::] iris.t;
root: Iris-virginica (n = 150, err = 66.7%)
| pwidth <[;0.8] 0: Iris-virginica (n = 100, err = 50%)
| | pwidth <[;1.75] 0: Iris-virginica (n = 46, err = 2.2%)
| | | plength <[;4.85] 0: Iris-virginica (n = 43, err = 0%)
| | | plength <[;4.85] 1: Iris-virginica (n = 3, err = 33.3%)
| | pwidth <[;1.75] 1: Iris-versicolor (n = 54, err = 9.3%)
| | | plength <[;4.95] 0: Iris-virginica (n = 6, err = 33.3%)
| | | plength <[;4.95] 1: Iris-versicolor (n = 48, err = 2.1%)
| pwidth <[;0.8] 1: Iris-setosa (n = 50, err = 0%)
Visualization (graphviz input)
q)\l iris.q
q)-1 .ml.pgraph .ml.q45[2;3;::] iris.t;
digraph Tree {
node [shape=box] ;
0 [label="Iris-setosa (n = 150, err = 66.7%)\npwidth <[;0.8] "] ;
1 [label="Iris-setosa (n = 50, err = 0%)"] ;
0 -> 1 [label="1"] ;
2 [label="Iris-versicolor (n = 100, err = 50%)\npwidth <[;1.75] "] ;
0 -> 2 [label="0"] ;
3 [label="Iris-versicolor (n = 54, err = 9.3%)\nplength <[;4.95] "] ;
2 -> 3 [label="1"] ;
4 [label="Iris-versicolor (n = 48, err = 2.1%)"] ;
3 -> 4 [label="1"] ;
5 [label="Iris-virginica (n = 6, err = 33.3%)"] ;
3 -> 5 [label="0"] ;
6 [label="Iris-virginica (n = 46, err = 2.2%)\nplength <[;4.85] "] ;
2 -> 6 [label="0"] ;
7 [label="Iris-virginica (n = 3, err = 33.3%)"] ;
6 -> 7 [label="1"] ;
8 [label="Iris-virginica (n = 43, err = 0%)"] ;
6 -> 8 [label="0"] ;
Visualization (graphviz output)
dot -Tpng > iris.png
- Started with ID3 (unordered data)
- Implemented C4.5 (ordered and null data)
- Added ability to specify weight vector
- Implemented AdaBoost
- Implemented Random Forest
- Added tree visualization (text and graphviz)
- TODO: optimize memory utilization
Source Code
bash-3.2$ git clone
bash-3.2$ cd funq
bash-3.2$ q decisiontree.q -s 4
KDB+ 3.6 2018.05.17 Copyright (C) 1993-2018 Kx Systems
m32/ 4()core 8192MB nick nicksmacbookpro.fios-router.home NONEXPIRE
downloading iris data set
load weather data, remove the day column and move Play to front
Play Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind
No Sunny Hot High Weak
No Sunny Hot High Strong
Yes Overcast Hot High Weak
Yes Rain Mild High Weak