Recap of Competition Rules

  • Convert a self-describing vector of bytes into an n-dimensional array of the specified type
  • Points given for:
    • Fastest submission
    • Smallest submission
    • Shortest submission
  • Tie-breaker based on timing of first submission

Complete competition rules can be found here.

Parsing Data

  text binary
read file read0 read1
parse file or vector 0: 1:
cast single element TYPE $ cvec 0x0 sv bvec
fixed width (width;type) 0: cvec (width;type) 1: bvec (big endian)
    (type;width) 1: bvec (little endian)
delimited (type;delim) 0: cvec  

Understanding the Header

  • Bytes 1 and 2 are empty (presumably reserved for versioning)
  • Byte 3 indicates the data type ([un]signed byte, short, int, real, float)
  • Byte 4 specifies the dimensionality of th n-array
  • The next n integers (n*4 bytes) list the sizes of each dimension
  • Remaining bytes contain the data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
00 00 09 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 10

Parsing the Header

 d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
  • h is the length of the header
  • d is the vector of dimensions

Parsing the Data

 d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
 x:first ((1 1 0N 2 4 4 8;"xx hief")@\:(),x[2]-0x08) 1: h _x;
  • x now has a single vector of data cast to the type specified in byte 3
  • There is no parse-time syntax for specifying a single element literal list so we need an extra operation: (),

Reshaping the Data

  • For 1 dimension we can just return the data
  • For 2 dimensions we can use cut or #

    q)10 cut til 20
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    q)2 10 # til 20
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  • What about 3+ dimensions?1

    shape:{y {y cut x}/reverse 1_x,()}
    q)shape[2 10] til 20
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    q)shape[2 2 5] til 20
    0 1 2 3 4      5 6 7 8 9     
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  • Permit atomic argument by promoting x to list
  • But what about the edge conditions? What would q do?

    q)2 5 # til 20
    0 1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9
    q)shape[2 5] til 20
    0  1  2  3  4 
    5  6  7  8  9 
    10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19
  • We need to extend/truncate the initial vector before reshaping it.
shape:{(prd[x]#y){y cut x}/reverse 1_x,()}
q)0N!shape[2 2 5] til 10;
((0 1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8 9);(0 1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8 9))

Fast Solutions

  • Basic Solution

     d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
     x:first ((1 1 0N 2 4 4 8;"xx hief")@\:(),x[2]-0x08) 1: h _x;
     x:((prd[d])#x){y cut x}/reverse 1_d;

    But why call 1: to convert bytes to bytes? Just return the vector!

  • Fastest (and Smallest) Solution

     d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
     x:$[0>i:x[2]-0x0b;::;first ((2 4 4 8;"hief")@\:i,()) 1:] h _x;
     x:((prd[d])#x){y cut x}/reverse 1_d;

Short Solutions

  • Function calls (including lambdas) only add two bytes (no matter what is inside the function/lambda)

     {d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
     x:$[0>i:x[2]-0x0b;::;first ((2 4 4 8;"hief")@\:i,()) 1:] h _x;
     x:((prd[d])#x){y cut x}/reverse 1_d;
    q)count first get ldidx

Shortest Solution

  • Given a composition, get returns the list of composed functions

    q)get f
    q)count first get f
     d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
     x:$[0>i:x[2]-0x0b;::;first ((2 4 4 8;"hief")@\:i,()) 1:] h _x;
     x:((prd[d])#x){y cut x}/reverse 1_d;

Runner-Up Solution

  • Skipped calling 1: when dimension was greater than 2

     r:,/(2 1 1 4;" xxi")1:8#x;
     f:([f:0x08090B0C0D0E]t:"xxhief";l:1 1 2 4 4 8)@r 0;
     $[0i~I:r 2;:(f`t)$();0x1~r 1;
      :((,f`l;,f`t)1:(I*f`l)#x)0;0x2~r 1;
     O:,/(4 4;"ii")1:8#x;
     (O#)'[I#((+[prd O])\[7h$I;0])_x:8_x]}

Winning Solution

  • 1 byte-code and least bytes allocated

    ldidx:{ {(prd[x]#y){y#x}/0Ni,'reverse 1_x}[0x0 sv'0N 4#x 4+til 4*x 3;first(1 2 4 4 8;"xhief")[;enlist 0|-10+x 2]1:(4*1+x 3)_ x]}@
  • Combining the Best Ideas and kdb+ 3.4’s native multi-dimensional #

     d:first (1#4;1#"i") 1: 4_(h:4*1+x 3)#x;
     x:d#$[0>i:x[2]-0x0b;::;first ((2 4 4 8;"hief")@\:i,()) 1:] h _x;
  1. kdb+ 3.4 was updated to include a multi-dimensional # operator (specifically for this competition)