HKID Check Digit
Why Q?
- Performance
- Expressiveness
- Fun-ctional
Convert English letters to number, using the mapping A->10, B->11, C->12 …. Z->35
character vectors
q).Q.n "0123456789" q).Q.A "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" q).Q.nA "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" q) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789" q).Q.b6 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
character to integer
q)-55+"j"$"AZ123456" 10 35 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
q).Q.nA?"AZ123456" 10 35 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Sum
Calculate the check sum
For HKID with 2 English letters
check sum = char[0] * 9 + char[1] * 8 + char[2] * 7 + char[3] * 6 + char[4] * 5 + char[5] * 4 + char[6] * 3 + char[7] * 2
For HKID with only 1 English letter
check sum = 36 * 9 + char[1] * 8 + char[2] * 7 + char[3] * 6 + char[4] * 5 + char[5] * 4 + char[6] * 3 + char[7] * 2
what is 36?
q)-55+"j"$"[Z123456" 36 35 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
one past the end
q).Q.nA?" Z123456" 36 35 1 2 3 4 5 6
reshaping lists
q)-8#"[","AZ123456" "AZ123456" q)-8#"[","Z123456" "[Z123456"
padding strings
q)-8$"Z123456" " Z123456" q)-8$"AZ123456" "AZ123456"
vector arithmetic
q)9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 * .Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" 324 280 7 12 15 16 15 12 q)sum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 * .Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" 681
dot product
q)9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2f $ "f"$.Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" 681f
The Checksum
- mooderate check sum by 11 and use 11 to minus the value
check digit = 11 - checksum mod 11
q)11 - mod[;11] sum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2*.Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" 1 q).Q.nA 11 - mod[;11] sum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2*.Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" "1"
reorder operations
q).Q.nA mod[;11] sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9*.Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" "1"
lookup table
q)sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9*.Q.nA?-8$" Z999999" 528 q)(529#.Q.n,"A")sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9*.Q.nA?-8$" Z123456" "1"
the shortest (composition)
q)hkidcheck:(529#.Q.n,"A")sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9*.Q.nA?-8$ q)\ts:100000 hkidcheck each ids 1487 640
the fastest (projection)
q)hkidcheck:{x sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9*y?-8$z}[529#.Q.n,"A";.Q.nA] q)\ts:100000 hkidcheck each ids 1335 672
the longest
hkidcheck:{[id] $[(count id)=8;[abc1:"i"$id[0];abc1:abc1-55;abc2:"i"$id[1];abc2:abc2-55;adigit1:"i"$id[2];adigit2:"i"$id[3];adigit3:"i"$id[4];adigit4:"i"$id[5];adigit5:"i"$id[6];adigit6:"i"$id[7];p1:(abc1*9)];[abc1:324;p1:abc1;abc2:"i"$id[0];abc2-:55;adigit1:"i"$id[1];adigit2:"i"$id[2];adigit3:"i"$id[3];adigit4:"i"$id[4];adigit5:"i"$id[5];adigit6:"i"$id[6]]]; p2:abc2*8; p3:(adigit1-48)*7; p4:(adigit2-48)*6; p5:(adigit3-48)*5; p6:(adigit4-48)*4; p7:(adigit5-48)*3; p8:(adigit6-48)*2; s1:p1+p2; s2:p3+p4; s3:p5+p6; s4:p7+p8; s5:s1+s2; s6:s3+s4; sumtotal:s5+s6; remainder:(sumtotal mod 11); checksum:(11-remainder); checksum }
the winner
q)hkidcheck:eval parse"{\"",((2231#"B"),1000#"0", .Q.nA 10-til 10),"\" sum (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2i)*6h$ $[7=count x; \"[\",x; x]}" q)\ts:100000 hkidcheck each ids 1350 512
The check digit for a SEDOL is chosen to make the total weighted sum of all seven characters a multiple of 10. The check digit is computed using a weighted sum of the first six characters. Letters have the value of 9 plus their alphabet position, such that B = 11 and Z = 35. While vowels are never used in SEDOLs, they are not ignored when computing this weighted sum (e.g. H = 17 and J = 19, even though I is not used), simplifying code to compute this sum. The resulting string of numbers is then multiplied by the weighting factor as follows:
First 1 Second 3 Third 1 Fourth 7 Fifth 3 Sixth 9 Seventh 1 (the check digit)
- A HKID is a vector of characters
- The modulus operator is slow (but cyclical)
- Fixed values can be pre-calculate