Q for Quants
Is Q for Quants?
- A Quant vs. Quant trading
- Pricing vs. Backtesting
- Compiled vs. Interpreted
- Specialist vs. Generalist
Where is Q?
KDB+ is fast and flexible time series database/CEP engine
- Order book recordings
- Order/Execution recordings
- Surveillance engines
- Hedge fund historical databases
- Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange
History of Q
- APL -> A -> A+
life←{ ⍝ John Conway's "Game of Life".
↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵ ⍝ Expression for next generation.
- J -> K -> K-SQL -> Q (KDB+)
life:{3=a-x*4=a:2 sum/2(1 0 -1 rotate'\:)/x}
- kdb+tic
- kdb+taq
- FD vs KX
- FD + KX
Why is Q popular?
- KDB+ is one of the fastest (if not the fastest) columnar database.
- Computations are vectorized - thus reducing the interpreter overhead.
- The functional paradigm of separating data and algorithms allows parallel execution.
- There are distinct types for dates, times and datetimes, GUID
- Databases are just directories, tables are sub-directories, columns are files.
Even integer and temporal types have null and infinite values.
知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也 – 孔子
To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge – Confucius
To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge – Nicolaus Copernicus
My Experience with Q
- Java -> Q backtest -> Q trading (2006-2009)
- Q automated market making engine (2009-2012)
- Q Tips (2012-2015)
- Q CRB platform (2015-present)
Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to load CSV/fixed-width datasets into Q
- Students will be able to list/differentiate each Q datatype
- Students will know the four Q attributes and explain when to use each
- Students will be able to perform simple q-SQL queries with aggregation
- Students will be able to save datasets to disk
In summary, given a large dataset, students will be able to load, join, analyze and report their results.
I’ve found the best way to learn a new computer language is to learn by example. Please download the code and follow along.
Sample Financial Data
CME Datamine provides samples of their datasets
- Click on “Access CME DataMine”
- Click on “Find Time & Sales”
- Click on “Sample Files”
Installing Q
- Download KDB+
- Install KDB+
- Download Q4Q
- 7-zip 1
- Q Insight Pad 2
- Q Studio 2
- Emacs Q-Mode
- Vim Q Plugin
Running Q
After downloading q and following the installation instructions:
export QHOME=~/Downloads/q cd ~/Downloads/q4q-master rlwrap ~/Downloads/q/m32/q bbo.q
rlwrap should be installed to enable command recall
setx QHOME "C:\q" cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\q4q-master\q4q-master C:\q\w32\q bbo.q
downloading and unzipping on windows seems to repeat the last directory
What is Q?
Q reads right to left
q)prd 0N!1+x:til 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3628800
- variables can be assigned inline
can be used to print intermediate values without side effects-
Q computes on atoms and vectors
q)y*y:last x 81 q)x*x 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
Q is overloaded on type
q)5?10f / generate 5 random floats between (0,10f) 7.291734 8.583736 4.149568 6.787018 9.346245 q)5?10 / generate 5 random long integers between [0,10) 7 5 1 4 1
and sign
q)5?10 / with replacement 3 9 8 9 9 q)-5?10 / without replacement 7 6 3 4 8 q)0N?10 6 1 5 8 9 3 2 0 4 7
Q is vector functional
q)fact:{prd 1+til x} / x,y,z are automatically defined q)fact 10 3628800
Q is concise
\begin{equation} \sigma = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{n} \sum \textstyle\frac{1}{2}\displaystyle \left( \log \frac{H_i}{L_i} \right)^2 - (2\log 2-1) \left( \log \frac{C_i}{O_i} \right)^2 } \end{equation}
/ garman klass volatility (% is division - not mod) gk:{[o;h;l;c]sqrt avg (.5*x*x:log h%l)-(-1f+2f*log 2f)*x*x:log c%o}
Q is picky about white space and semicolons
/ pivot table pivot:{[t] u:`\$string asc distinct last f:flip key t; pf:{x#(`\$string y)!z}; p:?[t;();g!g:-1_ k;(pf;`u;last k:key f;last key flip value t)]; p}
Q has tables as primary data structures 3>tqmergeT[2017.07.31;`GEH0;-0Wn;0Wn] date sym seq t bsiz bid siz prc aggr ask asiz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017.07.31 GEH0 31 -0D07:10:30.515273472 79 9799.5 9800 34 2017.07.31 GEH0 32 -0D07:01:32.062721024 37 9799.5 9800 34 2017.07.31 GEH0 36 -0D06:59:59.882012928 37 9799.5 9800.5 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 43 -0D06:59:59.834411776 313 9799.5 9800.5 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 45 -0D06:59:59.834379776 313 9799.5 9800 47 2017.07.31 GEH0 47 -0D06:59:59.836360406 2 9800 B 2017.07.31 GEH0 49 -0D06:59:59.817472512 313 9799.5 9800 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 50 -0D06:59:59.788884224 314 9799.5 9800 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 51 -0D06:59:59.785928192 319 9799.5 9800 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 52 -0D06:59:59.784531200 287 9799.5 9800 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 54 -0D06:59:59.783757568 240 9799.5 9800 45 2017.07.31 GEH0 59 -0D06:59:59.756612864 240 9799.5 9800 46 ..
Downloading Time and Sales Data
Loading ts.q
automatically attempts to download time and sales data
(stored in CSV files) for each of the available futures datasets:
$ q
KDB+ 3.5 2017.03.15 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
m32/ 4()core 8192MB nick nicks-macbookpro.local NONEXPIRE
q)\l ts.q
has also defined a dictionary mapping a symbol to the longer
CSV file name strings.
corn | "2012-11-05-corn-futures.csv"
crude | "2012-11-05-crude-oil-futures.csv"
emini | "2012-11-05-e-mini-s-p-futures.csv"
eurusd | "2012-11-05-euro-fx-futures.csv"
eurodollar| "2012-11-05-eurodollar-futures.csv"
gold | "2012-11-05-gold-futures.csv"
Q dictionaries are associative lists that are declared with the !
operator, and indexed with brackets or juxtaposition.
q)1 2 3!"abc"
1| a
2| b
3| c
Loading CSV files
q)read0 `\$d`corn
"T.Date,T.Time,Sequence,Session Ind,Symbol,C/P/F,Contract Delivery,Volume,Strike Price,T.Price,A/..
- The
operator loads the data from the file as a list of strings - The
operator casts (or converts) between types. In this case, from a string to a symbol
q)t:(" VI MI FCC D ";1#",") 0: read0 `\$d`emini
q)t:(" VI MI FCC D ";1#",") 0: `\$d`emini
T.Time Sequence Contract Delivery Volume T.Price A/B IND Entry Date
16:02:57 11 2012.12 0 1405.75 I 2012.11.04
16:04:23 12 2012.12 0 1405.5 I 2012.11.04
16:22:24 29 2012.12 0 1406.75 I 2012.11.04
16:22:41 30 2012.12 0 1406.5 I 2012.11.04
16:22:50 35 2012.12 0 1405.75 I 2012.11.04
- The
operator is the dyadic version of the monadicread0
- The
operator can be supplied with a list of strings or the file itself - It allows us to supply the types:
- and the delimiter:
treats the first row as column headers) - Ignored columns are indicated by the space characters
num | char | size | literal | null | inf | name | num | char | size | literal | null | inf | name |
1 | b | 1 | 0b | boolean | 11 | s | . | ` | ` | symbol | ||||
2 | g | 16 | 0Ng | guid | 12 | p | 8 | dateDtimespan | 0Np | 0Wp | timestamp | ||
3 | unused | 13 | m | 4 | 2000.01m | 0Nm | 0Wm | month | |||||
4 | x | 1 | 0x0 | byte | 14 | d | 4 | 2000.01.01 | 0Nd | 0Wd | date | ||
5 | h | 2 | 0h | 0Nh | short | 15 | z | 8 | dateTtime | 0Nz | 0Wz | datetime | |
6 | i | 4 | 0i | 0Ni | 0Wi | int | 16 | n | 8 | 00:00:00.000000000 | 0Nn | 0Wn | timespan |
7 | j | 8 | 0 | 0N | 0W | long | 17 | u | 4 | 00:00 | 0Nu | 0Wu | minute |
8 | e | 4 | 0e | 0Ne | 0we | real | 18 | v | 4 | 00:00:00 | 0Nv | 0Wv | second |
9 | f | 8 | 0.0/0f | 0n | 0w | float | 19 | t | 4 | 00:00:00.000 | 0Nt | 0Wt | time |
10 | c | 1 | ” “ | ” “ | char | 20 | enum |
Renaming Columns
q)t:`time`seq`expiry`qty`px`side`ind`date xcol t
time seq expiry qty px side ind date
16:02:57 11 2012.12 0 1405.75 I 2012.11.04
16:04:23 12 2012.12 0 1405.5 I 2012.11.04
16:22:24 29 2012.12 0 1406.75 I 2012.11.04
16:22:41 30 2012.12 0 1406.5 I 2012.11.04
16:22:50 35 2012.12 0 1405.75 I 2012.11.04
- The original data had column names with spaces
- To use the data with q-SQL, we need to fix this
- The
operator accepts a symbol list as the new column names
Using q-SQL
q)trade:select `p#expiry,seq,time+date,tp:px,ts:qty from t where null side, null ind
expiry seq time tp ts
2012.12 1977 2012.11.04D17:00:00.000000000 1403 1
2012.12 1978 2012.11.04D17:00:00.000000000 1403 1
2012.12 1979 2012.11.04D17:00:00.000000000 1403 2
2012.12 1982 2012.11.04D17:00:00.000000000 1402.75 2
2012.12 1983 2012.11.04D17:00:00.000000000 1402.5 1
- q-SQL allows database queries within your code
- Many operations, such as
, leave the column title unchanged - Optionally, we may rename the column,
- The
clause applies the filters from left to right - The
operator is applying the parted attribute to theseq
By default, searches on lists (and therefore dictionaries and table columns) use a linear search across all elements. Attributes can be applied to lists to speed up these searches.
There are four attributes: `s`u`p`g
sorted: asserts the data is sorted and permits q to perform a binary search:
1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5
(typically used on thetime
column of an RDB) -
unique: creates an internal hashmap from each value to its array index:
1 10 9 12 -2
(typically used on dictionaries keys or the first column of a 1-column keyed table) -
parted: creates an internal hashmap of each value to its first array index and element count:
5 5 5 1 1 2 2 4 4 4
(typically used on thesym
column of an HDB) -
grouped: creates an internal hashmap of each value to each of its array indices:
1 2 1 10 2 -1 2 1
(typically used on thesym
column of an RDB)
Determining the key of a dataset is of vital importance. This column
(or columns) should be the first few columns of the table. In this
case, the expiry
column uniquely identifies each future contract.
Analysis of the data revealed that it was not stored in
chronological order across all contracts - but only within each
contract. Since each contract was stored in consecutive rows of the
table, the `p
attribute was the correct choice.
Downloading Best Bid and Offer Data
Loading bbo.q
automatically downloads (and uncompresses) the BBO
data (stored in fixed-width text files).
q)\l bbo.q
q)4#read0 `XNYM_GC_FUT_110110.TXT
"2011011013030900000010EGC F110100000 100136851 I 110109"
"2011011017001000000020EGC F110100002 100136971A M M110109"
"2011011017001000000020EGC F110100001 100136911B M M110109"
"2011011017001500000030EGC F110100002 100136981A M M110109"
Configuration Files
Instead of polluting source code with column names, types and
descriptions, this information has been stored in bbo.csv
which we
can easily load.
q)m:("HSHHJC*";1#",") 0: `:bbo.csv
id name start end len typ description
1 date 1 8 8 D "YYYYMMDD- Day the trade or quote was entered"
2 time 9 14 6 V "HHMMSS- Time the trade or quote was entered in the system"
3 seq 15 22 8 I "######## - sequence the quote or trade was entered into the system"
4 session 23 23 1 C "(R/E) Indicates the Regular (PIT) or Electronic (GLOBEX) trading session"
5 sym 24 26 3 S "The product code"
(a q keyword) is often replaced withtyp
is the most common name for a security identifiers and has special treatment in Qsession
is a single text character, and should therefore be stored as a"C"
, and not an"S"
Ignoring Columns
- We can make loading the file faster by ignore unused columns
This reduces the memory consumed and increases performance by avoiding parsing those columns
q)m:update typ:" " from m where not name in `expiry`seq`time`edate`side`px`pxdl`qty`ind`mq q)select from m where not null typ id name start end len typ description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 time 9 14 6 V "HHMMSS- Time the trade or quote was entered in the system" 3 seq 15 22 8 I "######## - sequence the quote or trade was entered into the system" 7 expiry 28 31 4 M "(YYMM) Indicates the month the contract expires" 8 qty 32 36 5 I "Number of contracts available for trade or traded" 11 px 45 51 7 I "Indicates actual price traded" 12 pxdl 52 52 1 H "Decimal place indicator for traded price" 13 side 53 53 1 C "Indicates for Bids (B) / Offers (A)" 14 ind 54 54 1 C "Indicative Market Quotes ( I )" 15 mq 55 55 1 C "Indicator for Market Quotes ( M )" 24 edate 65 70 6 D "YYMMDD - Entry date of trade"
- A common data transfer technique is to pass floats as integers with another integer indicating the number of decimals
Parsing Fixed-Width Files
operator can be passed a list of types and lengths (instead of the field delimiter)q)m[`typ`len] V I M I I H C C C D 8 6 8 1 3 1 4 5 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Fixed-with files are returned as a list of lists (because there are no column headers)
q)m[`typ`len] 0: `\$d`emini 13:02:40 16:18:13 16:18:14 16:29:28 16:30:35 16:30:58 16:31:01 16:31:38 16:31:41 .. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 .. 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 2011.03 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 126750 126800 126750 126775 126825 126775 126825 126775 126725 .. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .. B B B .. I I I I I I I I I .. .. 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.09 2011.01.0..
Flipped Dictionaries of Lists
operator can be used (instead ofselect
) to return a list of valuesq)exec name from m where not null typ `time`seq`expiry`qty`px`pxdl`side`ind`mq`edate
Tables are flipped dictionaries of lists
q)t:flip (exec name from m where not null typ)!m[`typ`len] 0: `\$d`emini q)t time seq expiry qty px pxdl side ind mq edate ----------------------------------------------------------- 13:02:40 10 2011.03 0 126750 2 I 2011.01.09 16:18:13 20 2011.03 0 126800 2 I 2011.01.09 16:18:14 30 2011.03 0 126750 2 I 2011.01.09 16:29:28 40 2011.03 0 126775 2 B I 2011.01.09 16:30:35 50 2011.03 0 126825 2 I 2011.01.09 16:30:58 60 2011.03 0 126775 2 B I 2011.01.09 16:31:01 70 2011.03 0 126825 2 I 2011.01.09 ..
Updating Columns
- The
operator adds new columns or modifies columns in-place - The
operator is a two-parameter variant ofexp
which allows the specification of the base - Multiplication (by
.01 xexp pdxl
) is faster than division (by10 xexp pdxl
q)t:update time+edate,px*.01 xexp pxdl from t
time seq expiry qty px pxdl side ind mq edate
2011.01.09D13:02:40.000000000 10 2011.03 0 12.675 2 I 2011.01.09
2011.01.09D16:18:13.000000000 20 2011.03 0 12.68 2 I 2011.01.09
2011.01.09D16:18:14.000000000 30 2011.03 0 12.675 2 I 2011.01.09
2011.01.09D16:29:28.000000000 40 2011.03 0 12.6775 2 B I 2011.01.09
2011.01.09D16:30:35.000000000 50 2011.03 0 12.6825 2 I 2011.01.09
Building a Trade Table
- The
column distinguishes between Bid ("B"
), Ask ("A"
) and Trades (" "
) - The
column distinguishes between Indicative ("I"
) and Firm (" "
) prices - A
table can be built from the non-indicative trade records
q)trade:select `p#expiry,seq,time,tp:px,ts:qty from t where null side, null ind
expiry seq time tp ts
2011.03 230 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 752
2011.03 250 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 6
2011.03 270 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 5
2011.03 290 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 6
2011.03 310 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 1
Building a Rack
- The
column indicates a valid market quote - The
column only has resolution down to the second - The
column was provided to pair associated Bid and Ask prices - Not every Bid record has an associated Ask record and vice versa
- We first create a ‘rack’ which includes every distinct
along with the associatedtime
q)quote:select distinct expiry,seq,time from t where not null mq, not null side
expiry seq time
2011.03 240 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000
2011.03 260 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000
2011.03 280 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000
2011.03 300 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000
2011.03 320 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000
Keyed Tables
- When given a numeric left operand, the
operator creates a keyed table with that many columns - As hinted by the use of the
operator, a keyed table is actually a dictionary
q)2!select `p#expiry,seq,bs:qty,bp:px from t where side="B"
expiry seq| bs bp
-----------| -----------
2011.03 40 | 0 12.6775
2011.03 60 | 0 12.6775
2011.03 80 | 0 12.6775
2011.03 100| 0 12.6775
2011.03 240| 100 12.6625
Left Joins
- The
(left-join) operator joins two tables based on the key of the right operand - Any attribute on the first keyed column is used to improve performance
q)quote:quote lj 2!select `p#expiry,seq,bs:qty,bp:px from t where side="B"
q)quote:quote lj 2!select `p#expiry,seq,ap:px,as:qty from t where side="A"
expiry seq time bs bp ap as
2011.03 240 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 100 12.6625 12.665 73
2011.03 260 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 94 12.6625 12.665 73
2011.03 280 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 94 12.6625 12.665 68
2011.03 300 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 94 12.6625 12.665 62
2011.03 320 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 94 12.6625 12.665 61
Asof Join
- The
operator joins the most recent record of the right operand - The last specified join key is treated as the ‘time’ column and must be in ascending order (within the other specified join keys)
- This is usually the
column, but isseq
in this dataset - On large tables, the lack of an attribute on the first join key will result in extremely slow joins
is a 3 parameter function. For clarity, i have created a projection by supplying the first two parameters, then using that as a monadic function on the final table
q)taq:aj[`expiry`seq;trade] select `p#expiry,seq,bs,bp,ap,as from quote
expiry seq time tp ts bs bp ap as
2011.03 230 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 752
2011.03 250 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 6 100 12.6625 12.665 73
2011.03 270 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 5 94 12.6625 12.665 73
2011.03 290 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 6 94 12.6625 12.665 68
2011.03 310 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 1 94 12.6625 12.665 62
- The
operator rounds data down to the nearest specified unit - The
q-SQL clause groups the data before operations are performed on each group
q)ohlc:select o:first tp,h:max tp,l:min tp,c:last tp by expiry,0D00:01 xbar time from taq
expiry time | o h l c
-------------------------------------| -------------------------------
2011.03 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000| 12.6625 12.6675 12.6525 12.6575
2011.03 2011.01.09D17:01:00.000000000| 12.6575 12.6575 12.6475 12.65
2011.03 2011.01.09D17:02:00.000000000| 12.65 12.6525 12.6475 12.65
2011.03 2011.01.09D17:03:00.000000000| 12.65 12.65 12.645 12.6475
2011.03 2011.01.09D17:04:00.000000000| 12.65 12.6525 12.645 12.65
- The
function creates a grid of data based on the last column of the supplied keyed table - The new column headers are taken from the last keyed column
q).q4q.pivot select vol:sqrt[252*24*60]*.q4q.gk[o;h;l;c] by 0D02 xbar time,expiry from ohlc
time | 2011.03 2011.06 2011.09
-----------------------------| -------------------------------
2011.01.09D16:00:00.000000000| 0.1053295 0.04650148
2011.01.09D18:00:00.000000000| 0.08071778 0
2011.01.09D20:00:00.000000000| 0.07622256 0
2011.01.09D22:00:00.000000000| 0.04644545 0
2011.01.10D00:00:00.000000000| 0.07905985 0
2011.01.10D02:00:00.000000000| 0.1330154 0
2011.01.10D04:00:00.000000000| 0.1124014 0
2011.01.10D06:00:00.000000000| 0.1224625 0
2011.01.10D08:00:00.000000000| 0.2600369 0.05781686 0.3431435
2011.01.10D10:00:00.000000000| 0.2180361 0.03049376
2011.01.10D12:00:00.000000000| 0.1405572 0.02547496
2011.01.10D14:00:00.000000000| 0.1533374 0
Saving/Loading KDB+ Data
operator saves KDB+ variables as a single binary fileq)`:trade set trade `:trade
operator loads a single binary KDB+ file into memoryq)get `:trade expiry seq time tp ts ----------------------------------------------------- 2011.03 230 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 752 2011.03 250 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.6625 6 2011.03 270 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 5 2011.03 290 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 6 2011.03 310 2011.01.09D17:00:00.000000000 12.665 1 ..
Saving CSV Data
With a character left operand, the
operator converts a table into a delimited stringq)"," 0: trade "expiry,seq,time,tp,ts" "2011-03,230,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.6625,752" "2011-03,250,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.6625,6" "2011-03,270,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.665,5" "2011-03,290,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.665,6" "2011-03,310,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.665,1" "2011-03,330,2011-01-09D17:00:00.000000000,12.665,1" ..
With a symbol left operand, the
operator saves a list of strings as text in a fileq)`:trade.csv 0: "," 0: trade `:trade.csv
Teams of 4/5 will submit a single .q
file - that I will execute -
which contains the following:
A block comment containing the banner printed when you run q. (20 pts)
/ KDB+ 3.5 2017.03.15 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems m32/ 4()core 8192MB nick nicks-macbookpro.local NONEXPIRE \
- A comment specifying the URL of a CSV or fixed-width dataset that is freely available on the web and has more than 10,000 rows. (20 pts)
- Code using the provided
function to download the dataset from within q. (5 pts) - Code to import the dataset into KDB+ using the
operator - making sure to load each column as the most appropriate data type. (10 pts) - A
statement to reshape the dataset - ensuring the identifying columns are in the front. (5 pts) - An
statement to apply an appropriate attribute (`s
,~`u~,~`p~ or`g
) to the first column and a comment explaining why you chose the attribute. (10 pts) - A query to computing an aggregating statistic using the
operator. (15 pts) - A statement generating a report by using the
function on the previous query. (5 pts) - Code to save the report as a CSV to disk. (5 pts)
- A block comment summarizing your findings. (5 pts)
windows users should install the proper version (32 vs 64) for their operating system - installed in “C:\Program Files\7-zip” ↩
If you decide to use this editor - you can connect to your q process by starting it with a port
q ts.q -p 5000
↩ ↩2 -
CME data from Market Microstructure and Algorithmic Trading taught by Robert Almgren and Duane Seppi ↩